I’m not… keeeyn… on these keys

Fuck these keys.

So The Commune is poorly designed in terms of ease of access. There are two doors (outer and inner) to the basement suite. The upstairs has a front door, and not one, but THREE back doors (one outer and two inner). Now, the problem is not that these door don’t lock. They do. The problem is that they ALL LOCK WITH DIFFERENT KEYS. Yup. There are a total of 6 keys to The Commune, plus a key to the garage and some random bedroom door locks and closet locks as well (some of which don’t have keys at all).

Our bro-dude landlord was kind enough to drop off keys to all of said locks for us yesterday (not including keys to the mystery rooms and closets), so Gregg and I decided that this afternoon would be a good time to go get copies made for everyone.

There is a place that cuts keys that I walk past every day on my way to work, so we headed there. It turned out to be an Indian grocery and halal meat shop. Sketchy, but we proceeded with our transaction. It took roughly 8,000,000 years. Give or take several hundred thousand.

We proudly came home with our jailer’s ring of keys (and a box of Pocky) and decided to be responsible and check that they worked before distributing them to the others. We began by opening the front door – huzzah! We could open our own front door! …with only 2.5 of the 5 keys we had cut for it. (I say 2.5 because one key would lock, but not unlock, the door). Beginning to be concerned, we checked the back upstairs outer door. None of the keys worked. Becoming further alarmed, we checked the outer basement door – victory! Then the inner basement door – 50% success rate.

By now it had been about an hour and a half and we were too irritated to continue. We piled the keys on the dishwasher, and sat down to drink beer instead. I am tempted to say farewell to the $30 I spent on keys today and not return to have them re-cut by the same guy. I fear recurring problems and feel like not being further pissed off is worth it.

For now, the keys stay where they are, and people can just come in whatever door they happen to have a functional key for.

At least we got some Pocky.

(clever key pun courtesy of Gregg)