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  • Ashleigh Kay 8:43 pm on January 5, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    The Commune Christmas Special: It’s Not The BBC Or Anything, But It Works For Us 

    It went something like this:

    (photos courtesy of Dr. Roommate’s iPhone)

    "Thumbs up for turkey dinner!"

    "There is so much joy in this room right now. I love you all. No, really. I do. Honestly. Why don't you trust me? See: I'm making a happy face and everything."


    "I am marginally less excited than the rest of you... since I've been cooking the turkey all freakin' day."


    "I am just here for the food."


    "WOOOO! I've been drinking since ten a.m.!"

  • Ashleigh Kay 1:14 pm on June 18, 2011 Permalink | Reply  

    The Art of The Upper Commune Fridge 

    Title: "Incentive Programs are How We Finally Harpoon the White Whale of Progress" (2011) Artist: Collective Medium: Sharpie on Paper with many, many stickers. And a Post-it for Jon.

    Title: "Does Lorna Exist?" (2011) Artist: Gregg Medium: Sharpie & Bic on Paper

    Title: "Who is our gardener, really?" (2011) Artist: Claire Medium: Ink, Paper, Collective Gambling Habits

    Okay, so it's not the fridge, but he's proud of this.

    A gallery patron admires the artistry and beauty of the Upper Commune Fridge. "It's, like, so... post-modern. Or something."

    • Shannon-the-other 6:46 pm on June 18, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Put me down for Beardie’s real name being either “Brad”, “Chad” or “Mike” (or variations thereof).

      Why does Jon have fewer gold stars than the rest of you?

  • brackenrose 10:13 pm on June 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: garden   

    Gardening Stage 1: Weed Purging 

    My mom visited The Commune today. Don’t worry guys, there wasn’t anything scandalous in evidence. In fact, she was stoked – maybe even a little jealous. She particularly liked the yellow and seafoam tile in the kitchen (in a totally legitimate, non-ironic way), and the fact that the air vent in the upstairs bathroom blows all the toilet paper off the roll.

    Seeing The Commune from my mom’s eyes, though, I noticed that our yard (other than what has been converted to farmland, of course) is FULL OF MOTHERFUCKING WEEDS. Or should I say WAS. After my mom went home, I began to purge the garden. Never fear, Pie Face – I haven’t made any changes, done anything fun or drastic, or planted/rearranged anything at all. Haha. I’m too much of an amateur for that, I need your expertise. But I didn’t want you to get here and think I’d been ignoring the yard completely ;). What I did do was rip up more weeds than I thought possible (and I’m pretty sure there are more). They were huge. They were everywhere. Some of them had spikes. It was totally satisfying.

    Under the weeds in the big box against the garage I found all kinds off cool things! Parsley (grown extremely tall and stalky due to weed chokage), rosemary (2 bushes!), a miniature peony (and you know how I feel about peonies ❤ ❤ <3), forget-me-nots (also tall and stalky), bluebells (done blooming though, boo), a pink snapdragon, and a couple of plants I cannot name but I know are not weeds (PF…? haha). There’s so many plants here! And does anybody know what the small tree with the light pink/purple flowers next to the grassy area is? I’d take a picture now but it’s dark out.

    Jon suggested we plant mint. My response? Dude, fuck mint. If we plant any mint it goes in a damn pot.

    Mint aside, I’m excited!!

    The box behind the garage. I realized afterwards that I should have done a before and after... instead, here is a mid-point shot.

    • thaler 9:38 am on June 11, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      No mint!! Oh heavens no.

      • Ashleigh Rajala 1:34 pm on June 11, 2011 Permalink | Reply

        I want to get a little herb garden going! Would that work out there? I don’t know anything about gardening.

        • thalered. 7:05 am on June 17, 2011 Permalink

          Yes, sure, why the hell not!

          Grow some basil.

    • Shannon-the-other 7:44 pm on June 11, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Jon must be messing with you. Mint smells great, but it overruns things like a muthaf***er. (Come to think of it, so do forget-me-nots… but they’re easier to yank out).

      Looks good, Bracken Rose! I acknowledge your hard work!

  • Ashleigh Kay 12:00 pm on June 4, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: this is why you'll miss your bus   

    The Mind-Fuck Clock 

  • Ashleigh Kay 10:57 pm on June 3, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: this is why we're awesome   

    The DVD Shelf 

  • Ashleigh Kay 10:56 am on June 3, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: cucumbers less so, our kitchen is awesome   

    First Pictures! 

    Thumbs up for the new kitchen!

    Everyone knows that cucumbers are a dirty-minded vegetable.

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